

Text in [square brackets] can be defined by you, please specify what you want to include here when you select your questions.

This is the code you need to copy into the Essentials form to select this question group

grp_cross_loc Location crossover

Did you combine your visit to %{venue_name} with any other activities in %{survey_location}? (cross_loc_1)

  • Yes
  • No other activities, I'm only visiting [Missing variable: venue_name]
  • I don't know

What other activities in %{survey_location} did you combine with %{venue_name}? (cross_loc_2)

  • Sightseeing (on my own)
  • Organised sightseeing tour
  • Bike ride / hiking tour
  • Attend other arts / cultural activities (e.g. other cultural organisations, festivals)
  • Visit to a restaurant / café / pub / bar
  • Attend a sport event
  • Shopping
  • Visit to the markets (e.g. weekly market, flea market, streetfood market)
  • Visit to local events or festivities (e.g. city festivals, street festivals, fairs)
  • Professional / study activities
  • Meeting with friends / acquaintances / family (irrespective of a joint visit to [Missing variable: venue_name])
  • Other

What other arts / cultural offers (e.g. cultural organisations, festivals) are these? (cross_loc_3)

This question has a textbox for an answer

Could you please specify the other activities? (cross_loc_4)

This question has a textbox for an answer

grp_cross_cul Artform crossover

Which of the following types of arts / cultural offers or leisure events have you attended within the last three years? (NOT including this visit). (cross_cul_1)

  • Film / Cinema screenings
  • Library
  • Community college
  • Literary events / readings
  • Castles / palaces / gardens
  • Zoos / animal parks / aquariums
  • Sporting events
  • Outdoor arts events / festivals
  • Theatre performances
  • Musicals / revues / variety shows
  • Cabaret / comedy shows
  • Ballet performances
  • Contemporary dance performances
  • Opera performances
  • Classical music concerts
  • Jazz performances
  • New music / soundart / experimental music concerts
  • Other concerts (rock, pop, hiphop, metal, electro, folk music etc.)
  • Clubs
  • Natural-history / scientific / technical exhibitions
  • Cultural historical / historical / archaeological exhibitions
  • Art exhibitions / galleries
  • Historic / heritage / memorial sites
  • None of the above
  • I don't know

And of these which have you visited in the last 12 months? (NOT including this recent visit)? (cross_cul_2)

  • Film / cinema screenings
  • Library
  • Community college
  • Literary events / readings
  • Castles / palaces / gardens
  • Zoos / animal parks / aquariums
  • Sporting events
  • Outdoor arts events / festivals
  • Theatre performances
  • Musicals / revues / variety shows
  • Cabaret / comedy shows
  • Ballet performances
  • Contemporary dance performances
  • Opera performances
  • Classical music concerts
  • Jazz performances
  • New music / soundart / experimental music concerts
  • Other concerts (rock, pop, hiphop, metal, electro, folk music etc.)
  • Clubs
  • Natural-history / scientific / technical exhibitions
  • Cultural historical / historical / archaeological exhibitions
  • Art exhibitions / galleries
  • Historic / heritage / memorial sites
  • None of the above
  • I don't know

How often have you visited the following cultural offerings over the course of the last 12 months (NOT including this visit)? (cross_cul_3)

This question has a dropdown for an answer which starts at 1 and ends at 365

grp_cross_oth EUO crossover

Have you visited the following organisations during the last 12 months? (cross_oth)

  • (Optional) [Freetext: other_euos_1]
  • (Optional) [Freetext: other_euos_2]
  • (Optional) [Freetext: other_euos_3]
  • (Optional) [Freetext: other_euos_4]
  • (Optional) [Freetext: other_euos_5]
  • (Optional) [Freetext: other_euos_6]
  • (Optional) [Freetext: other_euos_7]
  • (Optional) [Freetext: other_euos_8]
  • (Optional) [Freetext: other_euos_9]
  • (Optional) [Freetext: other_euos_10]
  • None of the above
  • I don't know

cross_gen General arts & culture engagement

How often do you attend or participate in arts and culture experiences? By this we mean online or in-person activities produced by arts organisations, museums and/or libraries, such as exhibitions, performances, literature events, gigs, festivals, creative participation etc.  (cross_gen)

  • This is my first time
  • Less than once a year
  • Once a year
  • Two to three times a year
  • Four to five times a year
  • Six or more times a year
  • I don't know

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As you go through the question catalogue, make a note of the question group codes of the additional questions you would like to include (3 for the Essentials plan, up to 5 for In-depth) and then fill in the form to request your survey set-up.

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For the Snapshot plan, you do not need to choose any additional questions.

Request a Snapshot survey

See our full survey offer details

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