

Text in [square brackets] can be defined by you, please specify what you want to include here when you select your questions.

This is the code you need to copy into the Essentials form to select this question group

grp_inten_spo Visit planning

Did you plan your visit today in advance or did you spontaneously decide to visit here? (inten_spo_1)

  • Planned, I wanted to come here exclusively
  • Planned, but it's combined with other activities
  • Spontaneously
  • I don't know

Very briefly which other activities are these? (inten_spo_2)

This question has a textbox for an answer

Very briefly, was there any concrete trigger? (inten_spo_3)

This question has a textbox for an answer

grp_inten_sub Subscription

Did you attend the event as part of your seasonal subscription / annual ticket? (inten_sub)

  • Yes
  • No
  • I don't know

grp_inten_ins Inspiration

What exactly inspired you to visit us? How important were the following aspects for you? (inten_ins_1)

  • The subject matter / theme / content of the event
  • The artist/s / performer / author/s / composer/s / curators
  • The good reputation of [Missing variable: venue_name]
  • The location of [Missing variable: venue_name]

For each of the statements above, respondents can select from the following options

  • Very important
  • Important
  • Somewhat important
  • Not very important
  • Not at all important
  • I can't say

What exactly made you visit us? (inten_ins_2)

This question has a textbox for an answer

What exactly made you visit us? (inten_ins_3)

This question has a textbox for an answer

grp_inten_mtvuk Motivation UK

Which of the following describes your main motivation for visiting %{venue_name}? Please select one only. (inten_mtvuk_1)

  • To spend time with friends or family
  • For a special occasion
  • For peace and quiet
  • To be intellectually stimulated
  • To be entertained
  • To be inspired
  • To do something new or out of the ordinary
  • To learn something
  • To enjoy the atmosphere
  • For reflection
  • [Freetext: artform] is an important part of who I am
  • To escape from everyday life
  • For academic reasons
  • For professional reasons
  • To entertain my children
  • To educate or stimulate my children
  • Another motivation
  • I don't know

Another motivation, please specify. (inten_mtvuk_2)

This question has a textbox for an answer

Why else did you visit %{venue_name}? Please specify any other motivations. (inten_mtvuk_3)

  • To spend time with friends or family
  • For a special occasion
  • For peace and quiet
  • To be intellectually stimulated
  • To be entertained
  • To be inspired
  • To do something new or out of the ordinary
  • To learn something
  • To enjoy the atmosphere
  • For reflection
  • [Freetext: artform] is an important part of who I am
  • To escape from everyday life
  • For academic reasons
  • For professional reasons
  • To entertain my children
  • To educate or stimulate my children
  • Another motivation
  • No other reason

grp_inten_fer Free admission

As you know, we have free admission, was this the reason for your visit? (inten_fer)

  • Yes, I am here only because of it
  • Yes, but I wanted to come anyway / It was just an additional incentive
  • No, it did not play a role at all (but I knew about it before my visit)
  • No, I didn't even know about it

grp_inten_feo Free admission ratings

What do you personally think about the free admission to %{venue_name}? In the following I will give you different statements, please tell me on a scale from 1 to 4 how much they apply. (inten_feo)

  • Makes [Missing variable: venue_name] more appealing to me
  • Is important in my decision to come here
  • Makes me feel more attached to [Missing variable: venue_name]

For each of the statements above, respondents can select from the following options

  • Applies fully
  • Is rather correct
  • Is rather not correct
  • Doesn't apply at all
  • I can't say

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