

Text in [square brackets] can be defined by you, please specify what you want to include here when you select your questions.

This is the code you need to copy into the Essentials form to select this question group

grp_tourm_gai Tourism geo area of interest

Did you visit %{survey_location} particularly to visit %{venue_name}? (tourm_gai_2)

  • Yes, it was the sole / main reason for visiting [Missing variable: survey_location]
  • Yes, but it wasn't the sole / main reason for visiting [Missing variable: survey_location]
  • No
  • I don't know

grp_tourm_ovn Tourism Overnight

Did you / will you stay overnight in %{survey_location}? (tourm_ovn_1)

  • Yes
  • No, this is a daytrip from home
  • No, I'm currently staying in (Please enter the city / location)
  • I don't know

In which location / city did you stay? (tourm_ovn_2)

This question has a textbox for an answer

What kind of accommodation did you stay in? (tourm_acc)

  • Hotel / bed & breakfast
  • Guesthouse
  • Hostel / youth hostel / holiday home
  • Private, with friends / acquaintances / relatives
  • Holiday apartment / holiday resort / apartment / private room (less than 10 beds) NOT AirBnB
  • Holiday apartment / holiday resort / apartment / private room (less than 10 beds) INCLUDING AirBnB
  • Campsite
  • Other
  • I don't know

grp_tourm_acc Tourism accommodation

How many nights will you spend there altogether? (tourm_ngt)

This question has a dropdown for an answer which starts at 1 and ends at 365

How many nights did you / will you spend in paid accommodation? (tourm_ngp)

This question has a dropdown for an answer which starts at 1 and ends at 365

How many nights did you / will you spend with friends / acquaintances / relatives? (tourm_ngf)

This question has a dropdown for an answer which starts at 1 and ends at 365

How many nights will you spend in other types of accommodation? (tourm_ngo)

This question has a dropdown for an answer which starts at 1 and ends at 365

grp_tourm_eve Tourism event series

How many events of this festival / series did you /will you visit? (tourm_eve)

This question has a dropdown for an answer which starts at 1 and ends at 365

grp_tourm_rsn Tourism reason

Why did you visit %{survey_location}? (tourm_rsn)

  • Holiday / daytrip / leisure: Travel group / organised group (e.g. coach trip)
  • Holiday / daytrip / leisure: Self-organised / individual holiday
  • Organised group education / training (e.g. school class, group of students, professional training)
  • Visit to relatives / friends / acquaintances
  • Business travel: Trade fair (or similar)
  • Business travel: Conferences / congresses / meetings
  • Business travel: Other business reason
  • Travelling through
  • Other
  • I don't know

grp_tourm_slv Tourism previous visit

Was this your first visit to %{survey_location}? (tourm_slv_1)

  • Yes, this is my first visit
  • No, I have visited here before
  • I have a secondary residence here
  • I commute here for work / study etc.
  • I live here, temporarily
  • I once lived here
  • I don't know

Including this trip, how many times have you already visited %{survey_location}? (tourm_slv_2)

  • Twice
  • Three times
  • Four times
  • Five times
  • Six times or more
  • I don't know

grp_tourm_cul Culture as a visit driver

When you think back to your decision to visit %{survey_location}, how important was attending cultural events in that decision? (tourm_cul)

  • Very important
  • Important
  • Neither / Nor
  • Not very important
  • Not at all important
  • I don't know

grp_tourm_pla Live/work/study catchment

Are you regularly in the local area of %{venue_name}? ie. living, working or studying. If more than one answer is correct, please pick the shortest time that applies to you.  (tourm_pla)

  • Yes, on average it takes me up to 15 minutes to get to [Missing variable: venue_name] from home, place of work or study
  • Yes, on average it takes me between 15 and 30 minutes to get to [Missing variable: venue_name] from home, place of work or study
  • Yes, on average it takes me between 30 and 60 minutes to get to [Missing variable: venue_name] from home, place of work or study
  • No

grp_tourm_freq Frequency of visits to survey location

How often are you in %{survey_location}? Please select the highest frequency that applies to you. (tourm_freq)

  • Most days
  • At least once a week
  • At least once a month
  • At least once a year
  • Less often
  • I don't know

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